Pricing Policy

Current Pricing can be found on the PUI® website.

General Pricing Policy

Prices listed on our website are current and supersede all prices in any previous or current printed publication. We reserve the right to change prices without notice.

Backorder Pricing (Short Term / Long Term)

PUI® will keep track of all backorders on products that are "out-of-stock" or unavailable at the time the order is placed. The pricing on a backordered product is not guaranteed due to labor, manufacturing, materials, shipping costs, and other unforeseeable issues that may arise requiring a price adjustment. PUI® will maintain the price on any backorder product for 30 days after the order is placed. After 30 days, the product may be subject to a price adjustment. Long-term backorder pricing is not guaranteed due to the various circumstances mentioned herein. If a price adjustment is necessary on a particular product, we will do our best to inform the distributor before the product is shipped.

PUI® assumes no liability for errors associated with incorrect information in emails or printed catalogs including but not limited to images, pricing, or typographical errors.

We reserve the right to correct any errors in pricing or descriptions, and to cancel or refuse to accept any order based on an incorrect price or description. Such corrections may be made even after an order is accepted.